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ACS 200 Silver Descriptor


Superior Silver

Not all silver products are created equally. ACS 200 Silver supercharges the body to maintain peak immune response, providing highest efficacy and immune system support of all silver-based products tested.

Practitioner Recommended

ACS 200 Silver Extra Strength is recommended by the leading Integrative Healthcare Practitioners in over 50 countries.

Real Results

Customers from around the world validate the efficacy of this exceptional formula.

Safe & Effective

With millions of doses taken, ACS 200 Silver has been proven both safe and effective, providing maximum benefit without harming friendly flora.

Decades of Research

Based on over 20 years of laboratory testing, ACS 200 Extra Strength is the most trusted immune system support formula available.

Prepare for Success

ACS 200 Extra Strength provides 200 parts per million of uniquely energized silver molecules, suspended in ultra-pure deionized water: a proprietary micronutrient transport medium enabling rapid absorption and utilization by all biological systems. No single immune system support formula provides higher efficacy than ACS 200 Extra Strength.